Managerial Perspective: Encouraging Employees to Expand Their AI Explorations More Frequently
Observing a child learn to walk is a sequence of trial and error, constantly testing new techniques to maintain balance and experiencing the liberating sensation of stability for the first time. Then there is an epiphany when a successful strategy is discovered. After this breakthrough, it becomes a skill leading to a new realm of mobility.
The joy of witnessing such a breakthrough is authentic and exhilarating. To some degree, this process is reminiscent of how enterprises excavate new knowledge. If you grant your team the freedom to explore new technology and techniques, conduct trials and tests, one method will eventually pay off, leading to a better world.
In the realm of AI, exploring its potential and enabling people throughout an organization to discover new applications from scratch can yield significant advantages.
From a leadership perspective, it may seem safer to wait until AI's kinks are ironed out before incorporating it into the business. The truth is, employees will still utilize AI in some capacity. The key lies in establishing a solid data foundation prior to AI implementation and then setting clear guidelines on its usage.
Curtailing innovation through fear will stifle a business. There is a delicate balance to be struck.
Safely and Successfully Embracing AI
This year marked the transition from organizations dabbling with AI to meticulously identifying its applications and eventually realizing its value. However, LinkedIn's 2024 Work Trend Index revealed that approximately 80% of employees are bringing their own AI to work.
For several reasons, this is a risky approach. Along with data-related security issues, utilizing an independent system also raises concerns regarding strategic placement across the organization.
Nearly every entity in business today—employees, suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers—embrace AI in some form, so leaders must ensure governance is established to safeguard the business. To achieve this, establish a comprehensive AI policy, which has become essential for businesses of all sizes and industries.
To illustrate, consider the early release of ChatGPT. Many companies were hesitant to allow employees to experiment with the technology. From a governance perspective, I understood the concerns. It requires careful planning and foresight to create a secure environment for employees to trial new technology. However, from an innovation standpoint, I feared the missed opportunities and inefficient practices that might have emerged despite any AI regulations.
Unveiling Unexplored Applications
The ceaseless evolution of technology and tools enabling more AI experimentation makes it prudent to avoid restricting its potential. Consider unearthing an innovative AI application that could elevate a particular sector or business from good to exceptional.
Innumerable instances of such progress are occurring and resulting in remarkable discoveries.
Among the most promising new AI applications, for example, are in the field of healthcare. AI and predictive analytics can scrutinize patterns in patient data—including appointment history, demographics, and social determinants of health—to predict when individuals may be at risk of neglecting essential health screenings. Additionally, AI can help generate personalized screening schedules, ensuring individuals with higher risks for certain diseases receive more frequent and timely screenings.
This is merely the beginning of the iceberg, and beyond disease diagnostics and drug discovery, there is a plethora of uncharted territory in fields like regenerative medicine or gene editing.
Another promising area for AI experimentation is in initiatives aimed at combating climate change. Companies are recognizing the necessity of embracing the latest technology to promote decarbonization and protect the health of our planet. Yet, much remains to be accomplished to achieve the goals outlined in The Paris Agreement.
Today's corporations can contribute more when it comes to monitoring their real-time impact and being transparent in the areas requiring the most focus to continue making progress in positive climate action.
AI and data analytics can play an active role in this process. By effectively managing massive global datasets—ensuring the appropriate data is analyzed real-time—organizations can gauge iterative progress. This enables organizations to track adherence to target goals and, more importantly, highlight any areas in need of improvement for proactive action. Knowledge leads to action.
The Limitless Potential
The true power of AI lies in balancing quick wins with a long-term vision.
AI does not flourish in isolation. While quick wins show what's possible, treating them as independent achievements will lead businesses down a blind alley. A foundation of integrated, high-quality data and a strategic AI approach is how those who are willing to experiment with AI can establish an atmosphere of innovation safeguarded by intelligent governance.
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In the context of AI adoption in the workplace, the process of employees bringing their own AI tools can be risky due to data security issues and strategic placement concerns. (from the text)
Mike Capone, being a tech executive, might consider joining the Website Technology Council, an exclusive community for visionary CTOs and technology executives, to discuss AI implementation strategies and governance.