Title: Rebooting the Smartwatch: Pebble's Founder Returns with Open-Source Software from Google
Exciting times for Pebble enthusiasts! According to a chat with The Verge, Pebble's founder Eric Migicovsky has managed to convince Google to open-source the smartwatch's operating system. Migicovsky is now prototyping a new watch and is in the process of setting up a new company under a yet-to-be-revealed name.
Pebble, initially funded through Kickstarter in 2012, gained popularity for its no-frills approach to smartwatches. With their e-ink displays, they offered a decent battery life (5-7 days), affordability, and compatibility with both iOS and Android. However, the company struggled against tech giants like Apple and Google, as they struggled to keep up with their rapid product release schedules while trying to maintain sales.
After being acquired by Fitbit for a reported $23 million, Pebble's tech eventually landed at Google, where the Pixel Watch 3 leverages Fitbit software. But Migicovsky expresses his desire for a watch that delivers the essence of Pebble – a durable, long-lasting smartwatch with a simple, user-friendly interface.
Migicovsky's plans for the revival include an open-source software approach, enabling developers to create custom watch faces or build their own smartwatches. He anticipates the watch to feature a simple user interface, an always-on e-paper screen for excellent sunlight readability, and seamless button control over music playback.
Migicovsky has chosen to fund the project himself, ensuring a sustainable growth approach and avoiding the need for traditional VC funding or Kickstarter backing. With him at the helm, the new venture aims to replicate the successful formula of the original Pebble, tailored to the present era. Stay tuned for updates at rePebble.com.
The revival of Pebble comes as a welcome breath of fresh air for those who value simplicity, battery life, and an accessible smartwatch experience while embracing the flexibility of open-source software.
The future of tech is promising for Pebble enthusiasts, as Eric Migicovsky's new company intends to revive the essence of Pebble's technology, focusing on creating a durable, long-lasting smartwatch with a simple interface. In the upcoming tech landscape, Migicovsky envisions an open-source platform, allowing developers to contribute to custom watch faces and build their own technology-driven timepieces.